One Piece Hair Studio Participated at the Launching of Shiseido Colormuse

One Piece Hair Studio Participated at the Launching of Shiseido Colormuse

Central Park, Kelapa Gading, Kemang, Milestone, News
Beberapa waktu lalu, One Piece Hair Studio ikut meramaikan peluncuran produk Colormuse Shiseido Professional Indonesia yang diselenggarakan di Veranda Hotel, Pakubuwono, Jakarta. Kali ini One Piece mengirimkan stylist Boon yang berasal dari Malaysia sebagai perwakilannya di acara Shiseido Colormuse. Colormuse sendiri merupakan produk pewarnaan rambut yang memiliki 12 warna pilihan yang dapat dikreasikan tanpa batas untuk menciptakan warna rambut yang indah sekaligus memenuhi imajinasi para kreator rambut. Di One Piece sendiri, kami menyediakan Colormuse Shampoo & Treatment yang berguna untuk menjaga warna rambut agar awet dan tidak mudah luntur, meskipun kamu melakukannya sendiri di rumah. Jenis warna shampoo dan treatment ini juga mempengaruhi kegunaan masing-masing produk loh! Makanya, penting buat kamu untuk memilih warna yang paling tepat untuk rambutmu. Berikut adalah jenis-jenis shampoo & treatment yang kami miliki: Warna  Blue: untuk warna cat rambut warna biru dan hijau. Warna  Violet: untuk warna cat rambut violet, gray, dan…
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Shiseido + One Piece Hair Studio on Step Bone Cut

Shiseido + One Piece Hair Studio on Step Bone Cut

Central Park, Kelapa Gading, Kemang, Milestone, News
Located at Enmaru, The Plaza Jakarta, Hisato Suzuki was shared about the hair trend and also introduce the new Cutting technique Step Bone Cut as evolution of hair cutting at Indonesia, lisenced by LFCAB, patented by Japan Government to audience through hair demo. Stepbone cut itself is the hair technique that can correct the bone structure to create perfect shape. It can suit perfectly with everyone’s bone structure especially Asian, give the slim effect, Easy maintain hair and all the hair problem ever exist can be solved. Hisato san has the very big passion to grow the beauty industry in Indonesia . That’s why He always bring new innovation, technique and also technology to Indonesia. Grow the industry also we need to grow our people, both skills and mindset. This…
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CSR di Panti asuhan Pondok Kasih Agape

Central Park, Kelapa Gading, Kemang, Milestone, News
Wednesday, 4 December 2013: Charity with Pondok Kasih Agape Orphanage, Kelapa Gading As a part of our concern to our society, we visited Pondok Kasih Agape Orphanage. Engaging with these kids with games, prizes, and hair makeover for boys & girls of Pondok Kasih Agape. It’s always been our pleasure and a valuable experience to meet with these remarkable kids. Let’s see what humanities hold for them in the future. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to share happiness and put a smile on their face.
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